Getting Started Supply Chain Security
This guide shows you how to:
- Create a Pipeline to build and push a container image to a local registry.
- Record and sign provenance of the image.
- Read back the provenance information.
- Verify the signature.
- Install minikube. Only complete the step 1, “Installation”.
- Install kubectl.
- Install tkn, the Tekton CLI.
- Install jq.
- Install cosign.
Start minikube with a local registry enabled
Delete any previous clusters:
minikube delete
Start up minikube with insecure registry enabled:
minikube start --insecure-registry ""
The process takes a few seconds, you see an output similar to the following, depending on the minikube driver that you are using:
😄 minikube v1.29.0 ✨ Automatically selected the docker driver. Other choices: none, ssh 📌 Using Docker driver with root privileges 👍 Starting control plane node minikube in cluster minikube 🚜 Pulling base image ... 🔥 Creating docker container (CPUs=2, Memory=7900MB) ... 🐳 Preparing Kubernetes v1.26.1 on Docker 20.10.23 ... ▪ Generating certificates and keys ... ▪ Booting up control plane ... ▪ Configuring RBAC rules ... 🔗 Configuring bridge CNI (Container Networking Interface) ... ▪ Using image 🌟 Enabled addons: storage-provisioner, default-storageclass 🔎 Verifying Kubernetes components... 🏄 Done! kubectl is now configured to use "minikube" cluster and "default" namespace by default
Enable the local registry plugin:
minikube addons enable registry
The output confirms that the registry plugin is enabled:
💡 registry is an addon maintained by Google. For any concerns contact minikube on GitHub. You can view the list of minikube maintainers at: ▪ Using image ▪ Using image 🔎 Verifying registry addon... 🌟 The 'registry' addon is enabled
Now you can push images to a registry within your minikube cluster.
Install and configure the necessary Tekton components
Install Tekton Pipelines:
kubectl apply --filename \
Monitor the installation:
kubectl get po -n tekton-pipelines -w
When both
under theREADY
column, you are ready to continue. For example:NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE tekton-pipelines-controller-9675574d7-sxtm4 1/1 Running 0 2m28s tekton-pipelines-webhook-58b5cbb7dd-s6lfs 1/1 Running 0 2m28s
Hit Ctrl + C to stop monitoring.
Install Tekton Chains:
kubectl apply --filename \
Monitor the installation
kubectl get po -n tekton-chains -w
under theREADY
column, you are ready to continue. For example:NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE tekton-chains-controller-57dcc994b9-vs2f2 1/1 Running 0 2m23s
Hit Ctrl + C to stop monitoring.
Configure Tekton Chains to store the provenance metadata locally:
kubectl patch configmap chains-config -n tekton-chains \ -p='{"data":{"": "", "artifacts.taskrun.format":"in-toto", "": "tekton"}}'
The output confirms that the configuration was updated successfully:
configmap/chains-config patched
Generate a key pair to sign the artifact provenance:
cosign generate-key-pair k8s://tekton-chains/signing-secrets
You are prompted to enter a password for the private key. For this guide, leave the password empty and press Enter twice. A public key,
, is created in your current directory.
Build and push a container image
Create a file called
and add the following:apiVersion: kind: Pipeline metadata: name: build-push spec: params: - name: image-reference type: string results: - name: image-ARTIFACT_OUTPUTS description: Built artifact. value: uri: $(tasks.kaniko-build.results.IMAGE_URL) digest: sha1:$(tasks.kaniko-build.results.IMAGE_DIGEST) workspaces: - name: shared-data tasks: - name: dockerfile taskRef: name: create-dockerfile workspaces: - name: source workspace: shared-data - name: kaniko-build runAfter: ["dockerfile"] taskRef: name: kaniko workspaces: - name: source workspace: shared-data params: - name: IMAGE value: $(params.image-reference) --- apiVersion: kind: Task metadata: name: create-dockerfile spec: workspaces: - name: source steps: - name: add-dockerfile workingDir: $(workspaces.source.path) image: bash script: | cat <<EOF > $(workspaces.source.path)/Dockerfile FROM alpine:3.16 RUN echo "hello world" > hello.log EOF --- apiVersion: kind: Task metadata: name: kaniko labels: "0.6" annotations: "0.17.0" Image Build image-build "Build and upload container image using Kaniko" "linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/ppc64le" spec: description: >- This Task builds a simple Dockerfile with kaniko and pushes to a registry. This Task stores the image name and digest as results, allowing Tekton Chains to pick up that an image was built & sign it. params: - name: IMAGE description: Name (reference) of the image to build. - name: DOCKERFILE description: Path to the Dockerfile to build. default: ./Dockerfile - name: CONTEXT description: The build context used by Kaniko. default: ./ - name: EXTRA_ARGS type: array default: [] - name: BUILDER_IMAGE description: The image on which builds will run (default is v1.5.1) default: workspaces: - name: source description: Holds the context and Dockerfile - name: dockerconfig description: Includes a docker `config.json` optional: true mountPath: /kaniko/.docker results: - name: IMAGE_DIGEST description: Digest of the image just built. - name: IMAGE_URL description: URL of the image just built. steps: - name: build-and-push workingDir: $(workspaces.source.path) image: $(params.BUILDER_IMAGE) args: - $(params.EXTRA_ARGS) - --dockerfile=$(params.DOCKERFILE) - --context=$(workspaces.source.path)/$(params.CONTEXT) # The user does not need to care the workspace and the source. - --destination=$(params.IMAGE) - --digest-file=$(results.IMAGE_DIGEST.path) # kaniko assumes it is running as root, which means this example fails on platforms # that default to run containers as random uid (like OpenShift). Adding this securityContext # makes it explicit that it needs to run as root. securityContext: runAsUser: 0 - name: write-url image: script: | set -e image="$(params.IMAGE)" echo -n "${image}" | tee "$(results.IMAGE_URL.path)"
Get your cluster IPs:
kubectl get service --namespace kube-system
This shows the IPs of the services on your cluster:
NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE kube-dns ClusterIP <none> 53/UDP,53/TCP,9153/TCP 48m registry ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP,443/TCP 47m
Save your registry IP, in this case
, for the next step. -
Create a file called
and add the following:apiVersion: kind: PipelineRun metadata: generateName: build-push-run- spec: pipelineRef: name: build-push params: - name: image-reference value: <registry-ip>/tekton-test workspaces: - name: shared-data volumeClaimTemplate: spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 1Gi
with the value from the previous step. -
Apply the Pipeline to your cluster:
kubectl apply -f pipeline.yaml
You see the following output: created created created
Run the Pipeline:
kubectl create -f pipelinerun.yaml
A new PipelineRun with a unique name is created: created
Use the PipelineRun name,
, to monitor the execution:tkn pr logs build-push-run-q22b5 -f
The output shows the Pipeline completed successfully:
[kaniko-build : build-and-push] INFO[0000] Retrieving image manifest alpine:3.16 [kaniko-build : build-and-push] INFO[0000] Retrieving image alpine:3.16 from registry [kaniko-build : build-and-push] INFO[0000] Built cross stage deps: map[] [kaniko-build : build-and-push] INFO[0000] Retrieving image manifest alpine:3.16 [kaniko-build : build-and-push] INFO[0000] Returning cached image manifest [kaniko-build : build-and-push] INFO[0000] Executing 0 build triggers [kaniko-build : build-and-push] INFO[0000] Unpacking rootfs as cmd RUN echo "hello world" > hello.log requires it. [kaniko-build : build-and-push] INFO[0000] RUN echo "hello world" > hello.log [kaniko-build : build-and-push] INFO[0000] Taking snapshot of full filesystem... [kaniko-build : build-and-push] INFO[0000] cmd: /bin/sh [kaniko-build : build-and-push] INFO[0000] args: [-c echo "hello world" > hello.log] [kaniko-build : build-and-push] INFO[0000] Running: [/bin/sh -c echo "hello world" > hello.log] [kaniko-build : build-and-push] INFO[0000] Taking snapshot of full filesystem... [kaniko-build : build-and-push] INFO[0000] Pushing image to [kaniko-build : build-and-push] INFO[0001] Pushed image to 1 destinations [kaniko-build : write-url]
Retrieve and verify the artifact provenance
Tekton Chains silently monitored the execution of the PipelineRun. It recorded and signed the provenance metadata, information about the container that the PipelineRun built and pushed.
Get the PipelineRun UID:
export PR_UID=$(tkn pr describe --last -o jsonpath='{.metadata.uid}')
Fetch the metadata and store it in a JSON file:
tkn pr describe --last \ -o jsonpath="{.metadata.annotations.chains\.tekton\.dev/signature-pipelinerun-$PR_UID}" \ | base64 -d > metadata.json
View the provenance:
cat metadata.json | jq -r '.payload' | base64 -d | jq .
The output contains a detailed description of the build:
{ "_type": "", "predicateType": "", "subject": null, "predicate": { "builder": { "id": "" }, "buildType": "", "invocation": { "configSource": {}, "parameters": { "image-reference": "" }, "environment": { "labels": { "": "build-push" } } }, "buildConfig": { "tasks": [ { "name": "dockerfile", "ref": { "name": "create-dockerfile", "kind": "Task" }, "startedOn": "2023-04-18T04:23:16Z", "finishedOn": "2023-04-18T04:23:24Z", "status": "Succeeded", "steps": [ { "entryPoint": "cat <<EOF > Dockerfile\nFROM alpine:3.16\nRUN echo \"hello world\" > hello.log\nEOF\n", "arguments": null, "environment": { "container": "add-dockerfile", "image": "docker-pullable://bash@sha256:e0acf0b8fb59c01b6a2b66de360c86bcad5c3cd114db325155970e6bab9663a0" }, "annotations": null } ], "invocation": { "configSource": {}, "parameters": {}, "environment": { "annotations": { "": "affinity-assistant-fd643aaebc", "": "086e76a" }, "labels": { "": "tekton-pipelines", "": "tasks", "": "build-push", "": "build-push-run-7gn4d", "": "dockerfile", "": "create-dockerfile" } } } }, { "name": "kaniko-build", "after": [ "dockerfile" ], "ref": { "name": "kaniko", "kind": "Task" }, "startedOn": "2023-04-18T04:23:24Z", "finishedOn": "2023-04-18T04:23:32Z", "status": "Succeeded", "steps": [ { "entryPoint": "", "arguments": [ "--dockerfile=./Dockerfile", "--context=/workspace/source/./", "--destination=", "--digest-file=/tekton/results/IMAGE_DIGEST" ], "environment": { "container": "build-and-push", "image": "docker-pullable://" }, "annotations": null }, { "entryPoint": "set -e\nimage=\"\"\necho -n \"${image}\" | tee \"/tekton/results/IMAGE_URL\"\n", "arguments": null, "environment": { "container": "write-url", "image": "docker-pullable://bash@sha256:c523c636b722339f41b6a431b44588ab2f762c5de5ec3bd7964420ff982fb1d9" }, "annotations": null } ], "invocation": { "configSource": {}, "parameters": { "BUILDER_IMAGE": "", "CONTEXT": "./", "DOCKERFILE": "./Dockerfile", "EXTRA_ARGS": [], "IMAGE": "" }, "environment": { "annotations": { "": "affinity-assistant-fd643aaebc", "": "086e76a", "": "Image Build", "": "Build and upload container image using Kaniko", "": "0.17.0", "": "linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/ppc64le", "": "image-build" }, "labels": { "": "tekton-pipelines", "": "0.6", "": "tasks", "": "build-push", "": "build-push-run-7gn4d", "": "kaniko-build", "": "kaniko" } } }, "results": [ { "name": "IMAGE_DIGEST", "type": "string", "value": "sha256:423d2382809c377fcf3a890316769852a6d298e760b34d784dc0222ec7630de3" }, { "name": "IMAGE_URL", "type": "string", "value": "" } ] } ] }, "metadata": { "buildStartedOn": "2023-04-18T04:23:16Z", "buildFinishedOn": "2023-04-18T04:23:32Z", "completeness": { "parameters": false, "environment": false, "materials": false }, "reproducible": false }, "materials": [ { "uri": "docker-pullable://bash", "digest": { "sha256": "c523c636b722339f41b6a431b44588ab2f762c5de5ec3bd7964420ff982fb1d9" } }, { "uri": "docker-pullable://bash", "digest": { "sha256": "e0acf0b8fb59c01b6a2b66de360c86bcad5c3cd114db325155970e6bab9663a0" } }, { "uri": "docker-pullable://", "digest": { "sha256": "c6166717f7fe0b7da44908c986137ecfeab21f31ec3992f6e128fff8a94be8a5" } } ] } }
To verify that the metadata hasn’t been tampered with, check the signature with
:cosign verify-blob-attestation --insecure-ignore-tlog \ --key k8s://tekton-chains/signing-secrets --signature metadata.json \ --type slsaprovenance --check-claims=false /dev/null
The output confirms that the signature is valid:
Verified OK
Further reading
- Learn about Tekton Chains and Supply Chain Security.
- Getting To SLSA Level 2 with Tekton and Tekton Chains blog post.
- Check more examples on the Tekton Chains repository.
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