Platform-specific documentation

Content guidelines for documents describing how to use Tekton with a particular cloud service

Important: Documentation contributions to this website must be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and the code samples must be licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

Guides to use Tekton with third-party services.

Before you begin

To preview your documentation, check the guide on how to run this site locally.

Contributing documentation for the first time

Before you contribute, we strongly recommend that you join the TektonCD Slack and the Tekton TW working group.

  1. Create a new folder under content/en/vendor/ with a descriptive vendor name. Lower case, use dashes to separate words.

  2. Write the documentation following the content guidelines and formatting conventions.

Surface your documentation in existing guides

  1. Create a new file under content/en/vendor/<your-vendor>/ with a descriptive name.

  2. Write the content as if it was part of the guide you want it to appear in. Keep in mind the style and tone of the parent document. Do not use first level headers.

  3. In the relevant guide, use the tabs and readfile shortcodes to display your content alongside existing information. For example, to add platform-specific authentication steps to the “Authentication” section of an existing guide:

    ## Authentication
    {{< tabs >}}
    {{< tab "Default" >}}
      Default authentication process:
      1. Step 1
      2. Step 2
    {{< /tab >}}
    {{< tab "My cloud provider" >}}
    {{< readfile file="/vendor/my-vendor/" >}}
    {{< /tab >}}
    {{< /tabs >}}
  4. If it’s not already there, add the vendor disclaimer at the top of the document, below the front matter.

    {{% pageinfo %}}
    {{% readfile "/vendor/" %}}
    {{% /pageinfo %}}

Publishing new guide

If you want to publish a standalone document instead of contributing to an existing one:

  1. Write your new document and save it under content/en/vendor/<your-vendor>/. Do not use a first level header for the title. You are going to set the title of the document in a subsequent step.

  2. Determine the correct place show the document, that would usually be in one one of the following sections:

    • Installation
    • Getting Started
    • How-to Guides

    See the content guidelines for more information.

  3. In the folder corresponding to the section you selected, create a new file with a descriptive name. Add a hugo front matter in YAML format. For example, suppose you are adding a new installation guide, create the file content/en/docs/Installation/ with the following front matter:

    title: Install Tekton on my cloud service
    linkTitle: Install Tekton on my cloud service
    weight: 3
    description: >
        Installation guide to run Tekton on my cloud service.

    Keep in mind that the weight parameter determines the order in the left navigation pane. Lower numbers appears earlier in the list, documents with the same weight are ordered alphabetically.

  4. Add the vendor disclaimer at the top of the document, below the front matter.

    {{% pageinfo %}}
    {{% readfile "/vendor/" %}}
    {{% /pageinfo %}}
  5. Import your file with the readfile shortcode. The final markdown file looks like this:

     title: Install Tekton on my cloud service
     linkTitle: Install Tekton on my cloud service
     weight: 3
     description: >
       Installation guide to run Tekton on my cloud service.
     {{% pageinfo %}}
     {{% readfile "/vendor/" %}}
     {{% /pageinfo %}}
     {{% readfile "/vendor/my-vendor/" %}}


  • Because Docsy, the platform Tekton docs are built on, rebuilds files when their content changes, it will not pick up the changes in your included files unless you make a change on the parent file. You can make a small change, like increasing a dummy counter, while writing content to trigger rebuilding the parent file.

  • Documentation using this approach is meant to be read on the website. Reading the source files on GitHub will not be the best experience.

Own your docs

If you are contributing documentation to show how Tekton works with a particular platform, we encourage you to own your documentation.

  • Ensure freshness and accuracy.

  • Review reported user issues regarding your documentation.

  • Review Pull Requests to your docs.

Last modified September 23, 2022: Create vendor docs folder (54b6144)