Hashicorp Integration with Tekton Chains
In this tutorial, we will be running Chains Signed Provenance Tutorial using kms
solution by integrating Tekton Chains with Hashicorp Vault
- Prerequisite
Hashicorp vault should be installed
If not installed, you can also try on a minikube or a kind cluster. For more info see here
This provider also requires that the
secret engine is enabled -
If not done, you can login into the vault provider and run the following command
$ vault secrets enable transit Success! Enabled the transit secrets engine at: transit/
You can get more info about
secrets here -
Make sure Tekton Pipelines and Tekton Chains is installed
Chains Signed Provenance Tutorial using kms
solution by integrating with Hashicorp Vault
Step 1: Generate a Key Pair
This provider requires that the standard Vault environment variables ($VAULT_ADDR, $VAULT_TOKEN
) are set correctly.
$ export VAULT_ADDR=http://localhost:8200
$ export VAULT_TOKEN=testtoken
$ vault secrets enable transit ---> Ignore if you have already done
Now run the following command
$ cosign generate-key-pair --kms hashivault://$keyname
NOTE:- If you enabled transit secret engine at different path with the use of -path flag (i.e., $ vault secrets enable -path=“someotherpath” transit), you can use TRANSIT_SECRET_ENGINE_PATH environment variable to specify this path while generating a key pair like the following:
In that case the command will be
$ TRANSIT_SECRET_ENGINE_PATH="someotherpath" cosign generate-key-pair --kms hashivault://$keyname
Step 2: Set up Authenticaion
There are two forms of authentication that need to be set up:
- The Chains controller will be pushing signatures to an OCI registry using the credentials linked to your TaskRun’s service account. See our authentication doc
- The Kaniko Task that will build and push the image needs push permissions for your registry.
To set up auth for the Kaniko Task, you’ll need a Kubernetes secret of a docker config.json file which contains the required auth. You can create the secret by running:
kubectl create secret generic [DOCKERCONFIG_SECRET_NAME] --from-file [PATH TO CONFIG.JSON]
Step 3: Configuring Tekton Chains
You’ll need to make these changes to the Tekton Chains configMap i.e. chains-config
* artifacts.taskrun.format: slsa/v1
* artifacts.taskrun.storage: oci
* artifacts.taskrun.signer: kms
* artifacts.pipelinerun.signer: kms
* artifacts.oci.signer: kms
* transparency.enabled: "true"
* signers.kms.kmsref: hashivault://$keyname
* signers.kms.auth.address: <VAULT_ADDR>
* signers.kms.auth.token: <VAULT_TOKEN>
Step 4: Start the Kaniko Task
- First apply the
kubectl apply -f examples/kaniko/kaniko.yaml
Substitute with the URI or file path to your Kaniko task.
- Set the following enviornment variables:
export REGISTRY=<url_of_registry>
export DOCKERCONFIG_SECRET_NAME=<name_of_the_secret_in_docker_config_json>
Substitute with the URL of the registry where you want to push the image. Substitute with the name of the secret in the docker config.json file.
- Start the Kaniko Task
tkn task start --param IMAGE=$REGISTRY/kaniko-chains --use-param-defaults --workspace name=source,emptyDir="" --workspace name=dockerconfig,secret=$DOCKERCONFIG_SECRET_NAME kaniko-chains
- Wait for a minute to allow Tekton Chains to generate the provenance and sign it, and then check the availability of the chains.tekton.dev/signed=true annotation on the task run.
kubectl get tr <task_run_name> -o json | jq -r .metadata.annotations
"chains.tekton.dev/signed": "true",
Step 5: Verify the image and the attestation
cosign verify --key cosign.pub $REGISTRY/kaniko-chains
cosign verify-attestation --key cosign.pub --type slsaprovenance $REGISTRY/kaniko-chains
or you can use the hashivault://$keyname as key as well
cosign verify --key hashivault://testkey $REGISTRY/kaniko-chains
cosign verify-attestation --key hashivault://testkey --type slsaprovenance $REGISTRY/kaniko-chains
The output would be like this
Verification for index.docker.io/$REGISTRY/kaniko-chains:latest --
The following checks were performed on each of these signatures:
- The cosign claims were validated
- The claims were present in the transparency log
- The signatures were integrated into the transparency log when the certificate was valid
- The signatures were verified against the specified public key
[{"critical":{"identity":{"docker-reference":"index.docker.io/$REGISTRY/kaniko-chains"},"image":{"docker-manifest-digest":"sha256:e14396b283abcbacddba403a923a7fdecf2c54537a1d6a1ee1076767bec742d1"},"type":"cosign container image signature"},"optional":null}]
Verification for docker.io/$REGISTRY/kaniko-chains --
The following checks were performed on each of these signatures:
- The cosign claims were validated
- The claims were present in the transparency log
- The signatures were integrated into the transparency log when the certificate was valid
- The signatures were verified against the specified public key
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