Bundles Resolver

Resolver Type

This Resolver responds to type bundles.


Param Name Description Example Value
secret The name of the secret to use when constructing registry credentials default
bundle The bundle url pointing at the image to fetch gcr.io/tekton-releases/catalog/upstream/golang-build:0.1
name The name of the resource to pull out of the bundle golang-build
kind The resource kind to pull out of the bundle task


  • A cluster running Tekton Pipeline v0.41.0 or later.
  • The built-in remote resolvers installed.
  • The enable-bundles-resolver feature flag in the resolvers-feature-flags ConfigMap in the tekton-pipelines-resolvers namespace set to true.
  • Beta features enabled.


This resolver uses a ConfigMap for its settings. See ../config/resolvers/bundleresolver-config.yaml for the name, namespace and defaults that the resolver ships with.


Option Name Description Example Values
default-kind The default layer kind in the bundle image. task, pipeline


Task Resolution

apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1 kind: TaskRun metadata: name: remote-task-reference spec: taskRef: resolver: bundles params: - name: bundle value: docker.io/ptasci67/example-oci@sha256:053a6cb9f3711d4527dd0d37ac610e8727ec0288a898d5dfbd79b25bcaa29828 - name: name value: hello-world - name: kind value: task

Pipeline Resolution

Unfortunately the Tekton Catalog does not publish pipelines at the moment. Here’s an example PipelineRun that talks to a private registry but won’t work unless you tweak the bundle field to point to a registry with a pipeline in it:

apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1 kind: PipelineRun metadata: name: bundle-demo spec: pipelineRef: resolver: bundles params: - name: bundle value: - name: name value: hello-pipeline - name: kind value: pipeline params: - name: username value: "tekton pipelines"

ResolutionRequest Status

ResolutionRequest.Status.RefSource field captures the source where the remote resource came from. It includes the 3 subfields: url, digest and entrypoint.

  • uri: The image repository URI
  • digest: The map of the algorithm portion -> the hex encoded portion of the image digest.
  • entrypoint: The resource name in the OCI bundle image.


  • TaskRun Resolution
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1 kind: TaskRun metadata: name: remote-task-reference spec: taskRef: resolver: bundles params: - name: bundle value: gcr.io/tekton-releases/catalog/upstream/git-clone:0.7 - name: name value: git-clone - name: kind value: task params: - name: url value: https://github.com/octocat/Hello-World workspaces: - name: output volumeClaimTemplate: spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 500Mi
  • ResolutionRequest
apiVersion: resolution.tekton.dev/v1beta1 kind: ResolutionRequest metadata: ... labels: resolution.tekton.dev/type: bundles name: bundles-21ad80ec13f3e8b73fed5880a64d4611 ... spec: params: - name: bundle value: gcr.io/tekton-releases/catalog/upstream/git-clone:0.7 - name: name value: git-clone - name: kind value: task status: annotations: ... ... data: xxx observedGeneration: 1 refSource: digest: sha256: f51ca50f1c065acba8290ef14adec8461915ecc5f70a8eb26190c6e8e0ededaf entryPoint: git-clone uri: gcr.io/tekton-releases/catalog/upstream/git-clone

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