Tekton Result

TektonResult custom resource allows user to install and manage Tekton Result.

TektonResult is an optional component and currently cannot be installed through TektonConfig. It has to be installed seperately.

To install Tekton Result on your cluster follow steps as given below:

  • Make sure Tekton Pipelines is installed on your cluster, using the Operator.

  • Generate a database root password. A database root password must be generated and stored in a Kubernetes Secret before installing results. By default, Tekton Results expects this secret to have the following properties:

    • namespace: tekton-pipelines
    • name: tekton-results-postgres
    • contains the fields:
      • user=root
      • password=<your password>

    If you are not using a particular password management strategy, the following command will generate a random password for you: Update namespace value in the command if Tekton Pipelines is installed in a different namespace..

    $ kubectl create secret generic tekton-results-postgres --namespace="tekton-pipelines" --from-literal=POSTGRES_USER=postgres --from-literal=POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -base64 20)
  • Generate cert/key pair. Note: Feel free to use any cert management software to do this!

    Tekton Results expects the cert/key pair to be stored in a TLS Kubernetes Secret. Update the namespace value in below export command if Tekton Pipelines is installed in a different namespace.

    # Generate new self-signed cert.
    $ export NAMESPACE="tekton-pipelines"
    $ openssl req -x509 \
    -newkey rsa:4096 \
    -keyout key.pem \
    -out cert.pem \
    -days 365 \
    -nodes \
    -subj "/CN=tekton-results-api-service.${NAMESPACE}.svc.cluster.local" \
    -addext "subjectAltName = DNS:tekton-results-api-service.${NAMESPACE}.svc.cluster.local"
    # Create new TLS Secret from cert.
    $ kubectl create secret tls -n ${NAMESPACE} tekton-results-tls \
    --cert=cert.pem \
  • Once the secrets are created create a TektonResult CR (Check ##Properties) as below.

    kubectl apply -f config/crs/kubernetes/result/operator_v1alpha1_result_cr.yaml
  • Check the status of installation using following command

    kubectl get tektonresults.operator.tekton.dev


The TektonResult CR is like below:

apiVersion: operator.tekton.dev/v1alpha1
kind: TektonResult
  name: result
  targetNamespace: tekton-pipelines
  db_user: test
  db_password: pass
  db_host: localhost
  db_port: 5342
  db_sslmode: false
  db_enable_auto_migration: true
  log_level: debug
  logs_api: true
  logs_type: File
  logs_buffer_size: 90kb
  logs_path: /logs
  tls_hostname_override: localhost
  no_auth: true
  s3_bucket_name: test
  s3_endpoint: aws.com
  s3_hostname_immutable: sdf
  s3_region: west
  s3_access_key_id: 123r
  s3_secret_access_key: sdfjg
  s3_multi_part_size: 888mb
  logging_pvc_name: tekton-logs

These properties are analogous to the one in configmap of tekton results api tekton-results-api-config documented at [api.md]:https://github.com/tektoncd/results/blob/4472848a0fb7c1473cfca8b647553170efac78a1/cmd/api/README.md