Tekton Config

TektonConfig custom resource is the top most component of the operator which allows user to install and customize all other components at a single place.

Operator provides support for installing and managing following operator components through TektonConfig:

Other than the above components depending on the platform operator also provides support for

The TektonConfig CR provides the following features

  apiVersion: operator.tekton.dev/v1alpha1
  kind: TektonConfig
    name: config
    targetNamespace: tekton-pipelines
    profile: all
      nodeSelector: <>
      tolerations: []
      priorityClassName: system-cluster-critical
      disabled: false
      disable-affinity-assistant: false
      disable-creds-init: false
      disable-home-env-overwrite: true
      disable-working-directory-overwrite: true
      enable-api-fields: stable
      enable-custom-tasks: false
      enable-tekton-oci-bundles: false
      metrics.pipelinerun.duration-type: histogram
      metrics.pipelinerun.level: pipelinerun
      metrics.taskrun.duration-type: histogram
      metrics.taskrun.level: taskrun
      require-git-ssh-secret-known-hosts: false
      running-in-environment-with-injected-sidecars: true
      trusted-resources-verification-no-match-policy: ignore
        disable-ha: false
        buckets: 1
        threads-per-controller: 2
        kube-api-qps: 5.0
        kube-api-burst: 10
      disabled: false
      - taskrun
      - pipelinerun
      keep: 3
      schedule: "* * * * *"
        - name: enable-devconsole-integration
          value: "true"
      readonly: true
          enable: true
            application-name: Pipelines as Code CI
            auto-configure-new-github-repo: "false"
            bitbucket-cloud-check-source-ip: "true"
            custom-console-name: ""
            custom-console-url: ""
            custom-console-url-pr-details: ""
            custom-console-url-pr-tasklog: ""
            error-detection-from-container-logs: "false"
            error-detection-max-number-of-lines: "50"
            error-detection-simple-regexp: ^(?P<filename>[^:]*):(?P<line>[0-9]+):(?P<column>[0-9]+):([
            error-log-snippet: "true"
            hub-catalog-name: tekton
            hub-url: https://api.hub.tekton.dev/v1
            remote-tasks: "true"
            secret-auto-create: "true"
            secret-github-app-token-scoped: "true"

Look for the particular section to understand a particular field in the spec.

Target Namespace

This allows user to choose a namespace to install the Tekton Components such as pipelines, triggers.

By default, namespace would be tekton-pipelines for Kubernetes and openshift-pipelines for OpenShift.


This allows user to choose which all components to install on the cluster. There are 3 profiles available:

  • all: This profile will install all components (TektonPipeline, TektonTrigger and TektonChain)
  • basic: This profile will install only TektonPipeline, TektonTrigger and TektonChain component
  • lite: This profile will install only TektonPipeline component

On Kubernetes, all profile will install TektonDashboard and on OpenShift TektonAddon will be installed.


Config provides fields to configure deployments created by the Operator. This provides following fields:

User can pass the required fields and this would be passed to all Operator components which will get added in all deployments created by Operator.


    key: value
  - key: "key1"
    operator: "Equal"
    value: "value1"
    effect: "NoSchedule"
  priorityClassName: system-node-critical

This is an Optional section.

NOTE: If spec.config.priorityClassName is used, then the required priorityClass is expected to be created by the user to get the Tekton resources pods in running state


Pipeline section allows user to customize the Tekton pipeline features. This allow user to customize the values in configmaps.

Refer to properties section in TektonPipeline for available options.

Some of the fields have default values, so operator will add them if user haven’t passed in CR. Other fields which doesn’t have default values won’t be passed unless user specify them in CR. User can find those here.


  disable-affinity-assistant: false
  disable-creds-init: false
  disable-home-env-overwrite: true
  disable-working-directory-overwrite: true
  enable-api-fields: stable
  enable-custom-tasks: false
  enable-tekton-oci-bundles: false
  metrics.pipelinerun.duration-type: histogram
  metrics.pipelinerun.level: pipelinerun
  metrics.taskrun.duration-type: histogram
  metrics.taskrun.level: taskrun
  require-git-ssh-secret-known-hosts: false
  running-in-environment-with-injected-sidecars: true
  trusted-resources-verification-no-match-policy: ignore
    disable-ha: false
    buckets: 1
    threads-per-controller: 2
    kube-api-qps: 5.0
    kube-api-burst: 10


Chain section allows user to customize the Tekton Chain features. This allows user to customize the values in configmaps

Refer to properties section in TektonChain for available options


  disabled: false                  # - `disabled` : if the value set as `true`, chains feature will be disabled (default: `false`)
  targetNamespace: tekton-pipelines
    - name: MONGO_SERVER_URL      # This is the only field supported at the moment which is optional and when added by user, it is added as env to Chains controller
      value: #value               # This can be provided same as env field of container
  artifacts.taskrun.format: in-toto
  artifacts.taskrun.storage: tekton,oci (comma separated values)
  artifacts.taskrun.signer: x509
  artifacts.oci.storage: oci (comma separated values)
  artifacts.oci.format: simplesigning
  artifacts.oci.signer: x509
  artifacts.pipelinerun.format: in-toto
  artifacts.pipelinerun.storage: tekton,oci (comma separated values)
  artifacts.pipelinerun.signer: x509
  storage.gcs.bucket: #value
  storage.oci.repository: #value
  storage.oci.repository.insecure: #value (boolean - true/false)
  storage.docdb.url: #value
  storage.grafeas.projectid: #value
  storage.grafeas.noteid: #value
  storage.grafeas.notehint: #value
  builder.id: #value
  signers.x509.fulcio.enabled: #value (boolean - true/false)
  signers.x509.fulcio.address: #value
  signers.x509.fulcio.issuer: #value
  signers.x509.fulcio.provider: #value
  signers.x509.identity.token.file: #value
  signers.x509.tuf.mirror.url: #value
  signers.kms.kmsref: #value
  signers.kms.kmsref.auth.address: #value
  signers.kms.kmsref.auth.token: #value
  signers.kms.kmsref.auth.oidc.path: #value
  signers.kms.kmsref.auth.oidc.role: #value
  signers.kms.kmsref.auth.spire.sock: #value
  signers.kms.kmsref.auth.spire.audience: #value
  transparency.enabled: #value (boolean - true/false)
  transparency.url: #value


Pruner provides auto clean up feature for the Tekton pipelinerun and taskrun resources. In the background pruner container runs tkn command.


  disabled: false
  schedule: "* * * * *"
    - taskrun
    - pipelinerun
  keep: 3
  # keep-since: 1440
  # NOTE: you can use either "keep" or "keep-since", not both
  prune-per-resource: true
  • disabled : if the value set as true, pruner feature will be disabled (default: false)
  • schedule: how often to run the pruner job. User can understand the schedule syntax here.
  • resources: supported resources for auto prune are taskrun and pipelinerun
  • keep: maximum number of resources to keep while deleting or removing resources
  • keep-since: retain the resources younger than the specified value in minutes
  • prune-per-resource: if the value set as true (default value false), the keep or keep-since applied to each resource. The resources(pipeline and/or task) taken dynamically from that namespace and applied.
    example: in a namespace ns-1 I have two pipeline, named pipeline-1 and pipeline-2, the out come would be: tkn pipelinerun delete --pipeline=my-pipeline-1 --keep=3 --namespace=ns-1, tkn pipelinerun delete --pipeline=my-pipeline-2 --keep=3 --namespace=ns-1. the same way works for task too.


if disabled: false and schedule: with empty value, global pruner job will be disabled. however, if there is a prune schedule (operator.tekton.dev/prune.schedule) annotation present with a value in a namespace. a namespace wide pruner jobs will be created

Pruner Namespace annotations

By default pruner job will be created from the global pruner config (spec.pruner), though user can customize a pruner config to a specific namespace with the following annotations. If some of the annotations are not present or has invalid value, for that value, falls back to global value or skipped the namespace.

  • operator.tekton.dev/prune.skip - pruner job will be skipped to a namespace, if the value set as true
  • operator.tekton.dev/prune.schedule - pruner job will be created on a specific schedule
  • operator.tekton.dev/prune.keep - maximum number of resources will be kept
  • operator.tekton.dev/prune.keep-since - retain the resources younger than the specified value in minutes
  • operator.tekton.dev/prune.prune-per-resource - the keep or keep-since applied to each resource
  • operator.tekton.dev/prune.resources - can be taskrun and/or pipelinerun, both value can be specified with comma separated. example: taskrun,pipelinerun
  • operator.tekton.dev/prune.strategy - allowed values: either keep or keep-since


if a global value is not present the following values will be consider as default value
resources: pipelinerun
keep: 100


TektonAddon install some resources along with Tekton Pipelines on the cluster. This provides few ClusterTasks, PipelineTemplates.

This section allows to customize installation of those resources through params. You can read more about the supported params here.


    - name: "clusterTask"
      value: "true"
    - name: "pipelineTemplates"
      value: "true"

NOTE: TektonAddon is currently available for OpenShift Platform only. Enabling this for Kubernetes platform is in roadmap of Operator.


This is to enable/disable showing hub resources in pipeline builder of devconsole(OpenShift UI). By default, the field is not there in the config object. If you want to disable the integration, you can add the param like below in config with value false. The possible values are true and false.


    - name: enable-devconsole-integration
      value: "false"


Dashboard provides configuration options for the Tekton Dashboard if the specified profile value includes the Dashboard component. (E.g. all on Kubernetes)


  readonly: true
  • readonly: If set to true, install the Dashboard in read-only mode

This is an Optional section.


As part of TektonPipelines, resolvers are installed which are by default enabled. User can disable them through TektonConfig.

apiVersion: operator.tekton.dev/v1alpha1
kind: TektonConfig
  name: config
    enable-bundles-resolver: true
    enable-cluster-resolver: true
    enable-git-resolver: true
    enable-hub-resolver: true

User can also provide resolver specific configurations through TektonConfig. The Default configurations are not added by default in TektonConfig. To override default configurations, user can provide the configurations as below. You can find the default configurations here

apiVersion: operator.tekton.dev/v1alpha1
kind: TektonConfig
  name: config
      default-service-account: pipelines
      default-namespace: cluster-resolver-test
    enable-bundles-resolver: true
    enable-cluster-resolver: true
    enable-git-resolver: true
    enable-hub-resolver: true
      server-url: localhost.com
      default-tekton-hub-catalog: tekton
      tekton-hub-api: "https://my-custom-tekton-hub.example.com"
      artifact-hub-api: "https://my-custom-artifact-hub.example.com"

Under the hub-resolver-config, the tekton-hub-api and artifact-hub-api will be passed as environment variable into tekton-pipelines-remote-resolvers controller.
In the deployment the environment name will be converted as follows,

  • tekton-hub-api => TEKTON_HUB_API
  • artifact-hub-api => ARTIFACT_HUB_API


The PipelinesAsCode section allows you to customize the Pipelines as Code features. When you change the TektonConfig CR, the Operator automatically applies the settings to custom resources and configmaps in your installation.

Some of the fields have default values, so operator will add them if the user hasn’t passed in CR. Other fields which don’t have default values unless the user specifies them. User can find those here.


      enable: true
        application-name: Pipelines as Code CI
        auto-configure-new-github-repo: "false"
        bitbucket-cloud-check-source-ip: "true"
        custom-console-name: ""
        custom-console-url: ""
        custom-console-url-pr-details: ""
        custom-console-url-pr-tasklog: ""
        error-detection-from-container-logs: "false"
        error-detection-max-number-of-lines: "50"
        error-detection-simple-regexp: ^(?P<filename>[^:]*):(?P<line>[0-9]+):(?P<column>[0-9]+):([
        error-log-snippet: "true"
        hub-catalog-name: tekton
        hub-url: https://api.hub.tekton.dev/v1
        remote-tasks: "true"
        secret-auto-create: "true"
        secret-github-app-token-scoped: "true"

NOTE: OpenShiftPipelinesAsCode is currently available for the OpenShift Platform only.