Distributed Traces for Testing with Tekton Pipelines and Tracetest

How to automate Tracetest test runs with Tekton

Tekton is an open-source framework for creating efficient CI/CD systems. This empowers developers to seamlessly construct, test, and deploy applications across various cloud environments and on-premise setups.

Tracetest, an open-source testing tool that uses OpenTelemetry traces for testing, offers a sophisticated test harness for distributed cloud-native apps. It empowers users to test their apps by harnessing data from distributed traces produced by OpenTelemetry. This enables creating test specs and assertions that validate whether an application aligns with the intended behavior, as defined by pre-established test parameters.

Why use distributed traces for testing?

The rationale behind integrating Tracetest with Tekton is compelling. Tracetest uses pre-existing OpenTelemetry instrumentation to execute assertions against every part of an HTTP transaction.

Combining Tracetest and Tekton enables adding trace-based testing into CI/CD pipelines within your Kubernetes cluster. This integration not only furnishes the capability to initiate planned test cycles and synthetic testing but also preserves the core tenets of trace-based testing. It empowers exhaustive and in-depth assertions with trace data.

Infrastructure Overview

The following is a high level sequence diagram on how Tekton and Tracetest interact with the different pieces of the system.

tekton and tracetest architecture

1. Install Tekton Pipelines, Triggers, and Dashboard

kubectl apply --filename \

kubectl apply --filename \

kubectl apply --filename \

kubectl apply --filename \

2. Install Tracetest CLI

Install Tracetest CLI by following these instructions for your OS.

brew install kubeshop/tracetest/tracetest
curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubeshop/tracetest/main/install-cli.sh | bash
choco source add --name=kubeshop_repo --source=https://chocolatey.kubeshop.io/chocolatey ; choco install tracetest

3. Install Tracetest in Your Kubernetes Cluster

tracetest server install

How do you want to run TraceTest? [type to search]:
  Using Docker Compose
> Using Kubernetes

Select Using Kubernetes.

Do you have OpenTelemetry based tracing already set up, or would you like us to install a demo tracing environment and app? [type to search]:
  I have a tracing environment already. Just install Tracetest
> Just learning tracing! Install Tracetest, OpenTelemetry Collector and the sample app.

Select Just learning tracing! Install Tracetest, OpenTelemetry Collector and the sample app..

Confirm that Tracetest is running:

kubectl get all -n tracetest

NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS        AGE
pod/otel-collector-7f4d87489f-vp6zn   1/1     Running   0               5m41s
pod/tracetest-78b9c84c57-t4prx        1/1     Running   3 (4m15s ago)   5m29s
pod/tracetest-postgresql-0            1/1     Running   0               5m42s

NAME                              TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)               AGE
service/otel-collector            ClusterIP   <none>        4317/TCP              5m46s
service/tracetest                 ClusterIP   <none>        11633/TCP,4317/TCP   5m42s
service/tracetest-postgresql      ClusterIP   <none>        5432/TCP              5m42s
service/tracetest-postgresql-hl   ClusterIP   None            <none>        5432/TCP              5m42s

NAME                             READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/otel-collector   1/1     1            1           5m46s
deployment.apps/tracetest        1/1     1            1           5m42s

NAME                                        DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/otel-collector-7f4d87489f   1         1         1       5m46s
replicaset.apps/tracetest-78b9c84c57        1         1         1       5m42s

NAME                                    READY   AGE
statefulset.apps/tracetest-postgresql   1/1     5m42s

By default, Tracetest is installed in the tracetest namespace.

To explore the Tracetest Web UI, run the command:

kubectl --kubeconfig <path-to-your-home>/.kube/config --context <your-cluster-context> --namespace tracetest port-forward svc/tracetest 11633

Tracetest Web UI

4. Create a Test in Tracetest

Start by clicking Create > Create New Test > HTTP Request > Next > Choose Example (dropdown) > Pokeshop - List (generates a sample test from the Tracetest demo) > Next > URL is prefilled with http://demo-pokemon-api.demo/pokemon?take=20&skip=0 > Create & Run.

This will trigger the test and display a distributed trace in the Trace tab to run assertions against.

Tracetest distributed trace test run view

Proceed to add a test spec to assert all database queries return within 500 ms. Click the Test tab and proceed to click the Add Test Spec button.

In the span selector make sure to add this selector:


In the assertion field add:

attr:tracetest.span.duration < 500ms

Save the test spec and publish the test.

Assertion for database queries

The database spans that are returning in less than 500ms are labeled in green.

Assertions failing

This is an example of a trace-based test that asserts against every single part of an HTTP transaction, including all interactions with the database.

Let’s introduce how Tekton makes it possible to run this test as part of your CI/CD pipeline.

5. Create a Task in Tekton

Click the Automate tab.

test automate

This contains both a YAML definition for the test run and a guide how to run the test with the Tracetest CLI.

Save this into a file called test-api.yaml:

# test-api.yaml

type: Test
  id: L7wr5xeVR
  name: Pokeshop - List
  description: Get a Pokemon
    type: http
      method: GET
      url: http://demo-pokemon-api.demo/pokemon?take=20&skip=0
      - key: Content-Type
        value: application/json
  - selector: span[tracetest.span.type="database"]
    name: Database queries less than 500ms
    - attr:tracetest.span.duration < 500ms

Note that you’ll use this CLI command to run the test:

tracetest run test --file test-api.yaml --required-gates test-specs --output pretty

It set’s the required gates to pass the test by only validating the test specs.

Create another YAML file, name it install-and-run-tracetest.yaml. This contains the Tekton Task definition.

# install-and-run-tracetest.yaml

apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: Task
  name: install-and-run-tracetest
    - name: create-test-files
      image: ubuntu
      script: |
        #!/usr/bin/env bash
        cat <<EOF >/workspace/test-api.yaml
        type: Test
          id: L7wr5xeVR
          name: Pokeshop - List
          description: Get a Pokemon
            type: http
              method: GET
              url: http://demo-pokemon-api.demo/pokemon?take=20&skip=0
              - key: Content-Type
                value: application/json
          - selector: span[tracetest.span.type="database"]
            name: Database queries less than 500ms
            - attr:tracetest.span.duration < 500ms
      - name: custom
        mountPath: /workspace
    - name: install-and-run-tracetest
      image: kubeshop/tracetest:v0.13.3
      # The official Tracetest image comes with the Tracetest CLI installed
      script: |
        # Configure and Run Tracetest CLI
        tracetest configure -g --endpoint http://tracetest.tracetest.svc.cluster.local:11633/
        tracetest run test --file /workspace/test-api.yaml --required-gates test-specs --output pretty        
      - name: custom
        mountPath: /workspace
  - name: custom
    emptyDir: {}
kubectl apply -f ./install-and-run-tracetest.yaml

Make sure to use the Tracetest service as the endpoint for your tracetest configure command. This may vary depending on your installation.


6. Run the Tracetest Trace-based Test in Tekton with a TaskRun

Finally, to run the test, create a TaskRun.

Create a file called install-and-run-tracetest-run.yaml.

# install-and-run-tracetest-run.yaml

apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: TaskRun
  name: install-and-run-tracetest-run
    name: install-and-run-tracetest
kubectl apply -f ./install-and-run-tracetest-run.yaml

Here’s how to check the logs:

kubectl logs --selector=tekton.dev/taskRun=install-and-run-tracetest-run

You can also trigger a Task with the Tekton CLI.

tkn task start install-and-run-tracetest

TaskRun started: install-and-run-tracetest-run-xmhfg

In order to track the TaskRun progress run:

tkn taskrun logs install-and-run-tracetest-run-gccjk -f -n default

[install-and-run-tracetest] ✔ Pokeshop - List (http://tracetest.tracetest.svc.cluster.local:11633/test/RUkKQ_aVR/run/3/test) - trace id: 0549641531d3221ded696f2fd3b20ce6
[install-and-run-tracetest] 	✔ Database queries less than 500 ms

To preview which tasks failed or succeeded, use this command:

tkn taskrun list

NAME                                  STARTED          DURATION   STATUS
install-and-run-tracetest-run         3 minutes ago    23s        Succeeded
install-and-run-tracetest-run-nmptn   7 minutes ago    33s        Failed
install-and-run-tracetest-run-bhf7v   20 minutes ago   23s        Succeeded
install-and-run-tracetest-run-wm8bj   21 minutes ago   22s        Succeeded
install-and-run-tracetest-run-dbrbt   23 minutes ago   24s        Failed

7. Trigger Trace-based Tests with an EventListener

By using Tektons’s triggers, you can trigger tests via an eventlistener.

Create a TriggerTemplate and TriggerBinding

# install-and-run-tracetest-trigger-binding.yaml

apiVersion: triggers.tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: TriggerTemplate
  name: install-and-run-tracetest-template
  - apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
    kind: TaskRun
      generateName: install-and-run-tracetest-run-
        name: install-and-run-tracetest
# install-and-run-tracetest-trigger-template.yaml

apiVersion: triggers.tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: TriggerBinding
  name: install-and-run-tracetest-binding
  - name: run
    value: $(body.run)
kubectl apply -f install-and-run-tracetest-trigger-binding.yaml
kubectl apply -f install-and-run-tracetest-trigger-template.yaml

Create an EventListener

# install-and-run-tracetest-event-listener.yaml

apiVersion: triggers.tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: EventListener
  name: install-and-run-tracetest-event-listener
  serviceAccountName: tekton-robot
    - name: install-and-run-tracetest-trigger 
      - ref: install-and-run-tracetest-binding
        ref: install-and-run-tracetest-template

The EventListener requires a service account to run. To create the service account for this example create a file named tekton-robot-rbac.yaml and add the following:

# tekton-robot-rbac.yaml

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: tekton-robot
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: RoleBinding
  name: triggers-example-eventlistener-binding
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: tekton-robot
  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: tekton-triggers-eventlistener-roles
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: triggers-example-eventlistener-clusterbinding
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: tekton-robot
  namespace: default
  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: tekton-triggers-eventlistener-clusterroles
kubectl apply -f tekton-robot-rbac.yaml
kubectl apply -f install-and-run-tracetest-event-listener.yaml

Enable port forwarding.

kubectl port-forward service/el-install-and-run-tracetest-event-listener 8080

Hitting the port forwarded endpoint will trigger the task.

curl -v \
   -H 'content-Type: application/json' \
   -d '{"run":true}' \

Checking the taskruns will confirm this.

tkn taskrun list

NAME                                  STARTED          DURATION   STATUS
install-and-run-tracetest-run-69zrz   4 seconds ago    ---        Running(Pending)

Finally, check the logs:

tkn taskrun logs -f install-and-run-tracetest-run-69zrz

[install-and-run-tracetest] ✔ Pokeshop - List (http://tracetest.tracetest.svc.cluster.local:11633/test/RUkKQ_aVR/run/5/test)
[install-and-run-tracetest] 	✔ Database queries less than 500 ms

8. Preview Trace-based Tests with Tekton Dashboard

Start by port forwarding the Tekton Dashboard.

kubectl --namespace tekton-pipelines port-forward svc/tekton-dashboard 9097:9097

Open it up in your browser at http://localhost:9097. Navigate to the TaskRuns. Open the TaskRun you ran above.

Tekton Dashboard TaskRuns

This lets you easily preview the Tracetest test runs by copying the link to the Tracetest instance. However, because you’re using an internal service for Tracetest, make sure to use the port forwarded link to access the Tracetest Dashboard.





Tracetest Dashboard test run preview

Alternatively, you can use the Deep Link feature to trigger a new test run directly via the browser like this:



To sum up, the partnership between Tekton and Tracetest offers a powerful approach to testing Kubernetes with distributed tracing. Tekton provides a framework for building efficient CI/CD pipelines. Tracetest utilizes OpenTelemetry traces for testing, making it a valuable tool for testing cloud-native apps.

By combining Tracetest and Tekton, developers gain the ability to integrate trace-based testing into Kubernetes clusters. This integration allows for scheduled test cycles, synthetic tests, and thorough assertions using trace data. This cohesive approach ensures that applications align with intended behavior, improving overall reliability and functionality. As cloud-native apps continue to evolve, this integration showcases how to enhance testing as well.

Next Steps

To explore more options that Tracetest gives you, check out the docs to learn more!

If you like what the Tekton and Tracetest communities are doing, please leave a ⭐️ in GitHub.