Tekton Chain

TektonChain custom resource allows user to install and manage Tekton Chains.

It is recommended to install the component through TektonConfig.

  • TektonChain CR is as below

    • On Kubernetes, TektonChain CR is as below:
    apiVersion: operator.tekton.dev/v1alpha1
    kind: TektonChain
      name: chain
      disabled: false
      targetNamespace: tekton-pipelines
    • On OpenShift, TektonChain CR is as below:
    apiVersion: operator.tekton.dev/v1alpha1
    kind: TektonChain
      name: chain
      disabled: false
      targetNamespace: openshift-pipelines
  • Check the status of installation using following command:

    kubectl get tektonchains.operator.tekton.dev

Chain Config

There are some fields which you can define on Tekton Chains CR to configure the behaviour of the chains

Properties (Mandatory)

  • targetNamespace

    Setting this field to provide the namespace in which you want to install the chains component.

Properties (Optional)

These fields don’t have default values so will be considered only if user passes them. By default, Operator won’t add these fields in CR and won’t configure for chains.

The Default values for some of these fields are already set in chains and are not set by Operator. If user passes some values then those will be set for the particular field.

Details of the field can be found in Tekton Chains Config

Chains CR will look like this after providing all the fields.

apiVersion: operator.tekton.dev/v1alpha1
kind: TektonChain
  name: chain
  disabled: false
  targetNamespace: tekton-pipelines
    - name: MONGO_SERVER_URL      # This is the only field supported at the moment which is optional and when added by user, it is added as env to Chains controller
      value: #value               # This can be provided same as env field of container
  artifacts.taskrun.format: in-toto
  artifacts.taskrun.storage: tekton,oci (comma separated values)
  artifacts.taskrun.signer: x509
  artifacts.oci.storage: oci (comma separated values)
  artifacts.oci.format: simplesigning
  artifacts.oci.signer: x509
  artifacts.pipelinerun.format: in-toto
  artifacts.pipelinerun.storage: tekton,oci (comma separated values)
  artifacts.pipelinerun.signer: x509
  artifacts.pipelinerun.enable-deep-inspection: #value (boolean - true/false)
  storage.gcs.bucket: #value
  storage.oci.repository: #value
  storage.oci.repository.insecure: #value (boolean - true/false)
  storage.docdb.url: #value
  storage.grafeas.projectid: #value
  storage.grafeas.noteid: #value
  storage.grafeas.notehint: #value
  builder.id: #value
  builddefinition.buildtype: #value
  signers.x509.fulcio.enabled: #value (boolean - true/false)
  signers.x509.fulcio.address: #value
  signers.x509.fulcio.issuer: #value
  signers.x509.fulcio.provider: #value
  signers.x509.identity.token.file: #value
  signers.x509.tuf.mirror.url: #value
  signers.kms.kmsref: #value
  signers.kms.kmsref.auth.address: #value
  signers.kms.kmsref.auth.token: #value
  signers.kms.kmsref.auth.oidc.path: #value
  signers.kms.kmsref.auth.oidc.role: #value
  signers.kms.kmsref.auth.spire.sock: #value
  signers.kms.kmsref.auth.spire.audience: #value
  transparency.enabled: #value (boolean - true/false)
  transparency.url: #value