
Tekton Chains exposes standard Knative Controller metrics. These metrics are served on /metrics on the Tekton Chains controller Pod. These are exposed on port :9090 by default.

Metric collectors like Prometheus and OpenTelemetry can be used to collect these metrics. See Knative - Collecting Metrics for more details.

Chains Controller Metrics

The following chains metrics are also available at tekton-chains-metrics service on port 9090.

Name Type Description
watcher_pipelinerun_sign_created_total Counter Total number of signed messages for pipelineruns
watcher_pipelinerun_payload_uploaded_total Counter Total number of uploaded payloads for pipelineruns
watcher_pipelinerun_payload_stored_total Counter Total number of stored payloads for pipelineruns
watcher_pipelinerun_marked_signed_total Counter Total number of objects marked as signed for pipelineruns
watcher_taskrun_sign_created_total Counter Total number of signed messages for taskruns
watcher_taskrun_payload_uploaded_total Counter Total number of uploaded payloads for taskruns
watcher_taskrun_payload_stored_total Counter Total number of stored payloads for taskruns
watcher_taskrun_marked_signed_total Counter Total number of objects marked as signed for taskruns

To access the chains metrics, use the following commands:

kubectl port-forward -n tekton-chains service/tekton-chains-metrics 9090

And then check that changes have been applied to metrics coming from