
A ClusterInterceptor is cluster scoped resource that registers a new Interceptor that can be invoked during the processing of a trigger to modify the behavior or payload of Triggers. The custom resource describes how an EventListener can connect to a workload that is running the interceptor business logic (and in the future what extra paramters the interceptor accepts).

A ClusterInterceptor will consist of a custom resource of type ClusterInterceptor that defines it and a deployment/service combination that runs a HTTP server containing the actual interceptor processing logic. The interceptor can process the incoming request, decide to stop or continue processing, and add extra fields that are available to TriggerBindings and other interceptors in a chain under the extensions field.

NOTE: This doc describes a ClusterInterceptor and its interface. Please see the Interceptors section in the EventListener doc for details on how to configure a Trigger to use an interceptor.


To define a configuration file for a ClusterInterceptor resource, you can specify the following fields:

  • Required:
    • [apiVersion][kubernetes-overview] - Specifies the API version, for example
    • [kind][kubernetes-overview] - Specifies the ClusterInterceptor resource object.
    • [metadata][kubernetes-overview] - Specifies data to uniquely identify the ClusterInterceptor resource object, for example a name.
    • [spec][kubernetes-overview] - Specifies the configuration information for your ClusterInterceptor resource object. The spec include:
      • [clientConfig] - Specifies how a client (e.g. an EventListener) can communicate with the ClusterInterceptor.


The clientConfig field describes how a client can communicate with an interceptor. It can contain either the url field whose value is a resolvable URL or it can contain a reference to a Kubernetes service where the ClusterInterceptor is running. EventListeners will send forward requests to this service or URL.

    url: "http://interceptor-svc.default.svc/"
      name: "my-interceptor-svc"
      namespace: "default"
      path: "/optional-path" # optional
      port: 8081 # defaults to 80

Interceptor Services

To be a valid ClusterInterceptor, the workload should satisfy the following:

  • Be fronted by a regular Kubernetes v1 Service and serve HTTP
  • Accept HTTP POST requests that contain a InterceptorRequest JSON body
  • Respond with a status code of 200 OK with InterceptorResponse body
  • Respond with a non 200 response only if something catastrophic went wrong during processing